Saturday, June 20, 2020

Marcie Astrup

The Godfather.

District One Female

Age: 18
5'6 | 130 lbs.

Ruthless | Shrewd | Tenacious | Guarded
Haughty | Volatile | Malicious | Callous
Weapon of Choice: Knife

Mentor: Carrigan Rey
Training Score:

Castellan Isenya

The Transactional.

District One Male

Age: 18
5'10 | 140 lbs.

Underhanded | Silver-Tongued | Ambitious | Meticulous
Pampered | Needy | Insecure | Spiteful
Weapon of Choice: Sword

Mentor: Brielle Lavenge
Training Score:

Heidi Adelard

The Sheep.

District One Random

Age: 17
5'6 | 125 lbs.

Vibrant | Improvisational | Steadfast | Beguiling
Overzealous | Turbulent | Contrite | Licentious
Weapon of Choice: Stiletto

Mentor: Brielle Lavenge
Training Score:

Nahla Ono

The Daughter.

District Three Female

Age: 17
5'6 | 115 lbs.

Detached | Assured | Hypnotic | Assertive
Parochial | Haughty | Shaky | Irrational
Weapon of Choice: Crossbow

Mentor: Alexis Challant
Training Score:

Silas Garamond

The Distasteful.

District Three Male

Age: 18
6'1 | 190 lbs.

Silver-Tongued | Shrewd | Social | Poised
Proud | Moody | Cowardly | Jealous
Weapon of Choice: Sword

Mentor: Alexis Challant
Training Score:

Venec Alquist

The Ditz.

District Three Random

Age: 18
5'11 | 155 lbs.

Genial | Charming | Independent | Humbling
Scatterbrained | Flighty | Masked | Nervous
Weapon of Choice: Sword

Mentor: Tabitha Grant
Training Score:

Estrella Villon

The Primadonna.

District Six Female

Age: 16
5'5 | 130 lbs.

Altruistic | Captivating | Sincere | Tranquil
Spacey | Naive | Decadent | Outspoken
Weapon of Choice: Tomahawk

Mentor: Aston Lamar
Training Score: